Wednesday, 9 May 2007

Ding Ding - Round 6....

OK Chemo 'Tyson' Therapy, I have now survived 5 rounds and I am still standing. You have given it your best shot to down me but I keep bouncing back and round 6 has just started! You always start the round strong, putting me on my back for the count, but I will continue to get up and at the end I will be in for a shot at lifting the best prize of all, cancer free living.

Chemo six complete and I walked out of the room hoping that I will never have to return. Got home and went straight to bed and spent the rest of the day feeling very yuk, bad sickness and very tired. Had a good kip and today seems a bit better. Have a date for my scan results, Tuesday 29th May, a bit of a wait, but as I am on a clinical trial, my scan results need to go to London to be discussed before release. A bit of a bummer, but worth the wait!

Wig arrived yesterday. Looked like a dodgy Albanian market stall trader from Clayton so refused to accept. Wig lady not to happy but there are plenty of others who it will suit and be an improvement from their current efforts. Luckily my hair loss is minimal so no real problems.

Thanks and speak soon.


Anonymous said...

Well done Chris you have survived the course, stay positive and i hope we can celebrate our remissions very LORRAINE BENN

Wullie said...

It's a great feeling walking out of the treatment room for the last time. I'm big enough to confess to having a tear in my eye when it was me.
Thinking of you daily and keeping everything crossed for some superb scan results.

You'll be amazed how quickly your strength does come back and then the kids won't know what's hit them!!

All the best,


Kelly Kane said...

I'm loving your attitude today!! How exciting to know that that was your last chemo, I'm jealous! Still everytime I go now, I'm like "Oh whatever, I don't even have cancer anymore" It's fun, you'll be given permission to say so once those scans are done! Go you!!!! I hope you and Vicky celebrated a little even though you were feeling crappy. And tell that wig lady she better get it right next time!! She screwed up mine too!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Chris,
I'm glad you're in fighting spirit once more. Hope you are feeling a bit less yuk today and continue to feel better.
Everyone is behind you. My friend Debbie (Beth's Mum)sends her love and support. Lots of people (too many to mention) ask after you on a dialy basis. Your are in all are thoughts.

So ... where is the photo of the wig?

Can't wait for you to join us on a camping trip to Wales (minus the galeforce winds!).

Lots of love and cuddles from Big Sis Lala xxxxxxxxxxxxxx