Saturday, 12 July 2008

Full Stop

I got my scan results recently and one year after the end of my treatment I am still in the clear, so its underline and full stop to the past year and a half and get on with the rest of my life...feels fab.

I think these results are more important to me than been told you are in remission as that is just the start of rebuilding your life. One year on you have rebuilt your strength, and it takes that long, rethought your future and how you may have changed your outlook and got you friggin mind over the question 'why me' and all that!

I remember someone asking me just after diagnosis how it has changed my life, they must have been naive as it is only now that I can naturally answer. I will not be and have not been 'plastic' and say what I think others want to hear, or the right thing, I am and will be more natural and honest in my thinking and that is probably been the biggest change to my life along with wanting to spend more time with honest family and friends and not been materialistic, that pisses me off more than ever.

Life really is to short, yes we all like the odd luxury and why not we work hard enough, but to think that we are all owed something is crap.

Right that's my current thoughts out of the way so its onward and upward. I feel great, look forward to some fantastic times and want to work hard in every area and most of all enjoy life.

So unless anything happens that is it, full stop and good night.

And for one final time KEEP YOUR PECKER UP.



Friday, 9 May 2008

A Grand Day - Thank you

A massive thank you to every one who has supported me in the running of the Manchester 10K. Today my total passed the £1000.00 mark, double my original target.
Very humbling to think that I can muster so much support from friends and family and I know that the Lymphoma Research fund at Christies will use the money to try and fund new treatments and even a cure to this horrible disease which can hit anyone at any time, either personally or via close relationships.

Got the all clear again a few weeks ago, have a CT scan in June and my next appointment in August. This time last year I was facing my last Chemo - what a difference a year makes - another song....?

Cheers and KYPU

Monday, 31 March 2008

Your help please....

Hello everyone, appreciate it if you could give up a minute and read this.
I will be running the Manchester 10K in 7 weeks time and would appreciate your support. I know that you may have a few requests for sponsorship in the run up to the event, but if you could help me then that will be great, if others, then I understand.

Simply copy the above and paste. It only takes a minute to make an online donation and the site is secure.
This time last year I watched my sister Angela run the Great Manchester 10K raising money for Cancer Research as I was in the middle of Chemotherapy to cure Hodgkin's Lymphoma. At the end of the race I made a comment that I would do it in 2008 and guess what..............she did not forget!.
So here I am, raising money for Professor Radcliff's Lymphoma Research fund based at Christies Hospital in Manchester. This charity is very close to my heart as the research to find new treatments, and even a cure for Hodgkin's Lymphoma is vital to all future patients.
I was very lucky to have a hospital like Christies on my door step during my treatment and the staff are second to none so please help me in reaching my modest goal of £500.00.
I will be running with my brother and sister, Adrian and Angela, so there will be a small competitive edge to the day, and I can guess who will win!!! My goal, to finish!
Thanks for your support and KYPU.

Tuesday, 4 March 2008

What is in a blog...

I thought I would publish some of the comments from my last post on the main page because they really mean so much, from the newly diagnosed patient who is starting out, the students who will be helping to treat sufferers in the future and to family members who find it hard to express themselves. The blog was started as an online diary for everyone and I am really chuffed that it has worked and is / has been used the way it was intended.

Some comments are:
Dear Chris
I am a Senior lecturer in Radiotherapy and Oncology and came across the blog when looking for some bits on side-effects of radiotherapy. Great to see such a positive and real view, the ups and downs of being a person with cancer. Thank you for your honesty and I will definitely put this the way of my students so that they see what benefits there are for the patients they are treating with radiotherapy. Good luck for the future. Paul Brown
Paul - Are you in the North West? If so I could always come and talk to the students if it would help. Thanks for reading and good luck to you. Feel free to contact me.

Blogs like yours help me find inspiration for the journey and fundraising I am doing to fight this horrible disease.
Chris - Good luck to you with your fund raising. Sufferers owe so much to the people like you who do so much to support all kinds of cancer. Keep being inspired.

I have just read your blog and thinks it fantastic that you kept your sense of humour throughout your treatment. Recently diagnosed with HL and chemo starts Friday - very nervous but reading the blog it provided me with more "honest" info than any booklet. I am determined to remain positive, and looking forward to getting better
Nells9 - Hope all went well on Friday, you are probably feeling pretty shitty when I write this but it will get better. I hope my honest blog with my not too serious slant helps you, and if it does then I have achieved my goal. Keep in contact.

Nells9, Hope you got on ok yesterday, I think Chris's blog is something that could help anyone going through Hodgkin's.Although I am Chris's sister in law, his blog helped me see things from the "inside", it answered questions that maybe sometimes I felt maybe difficult to ask, I felt and still do feel that his blog is definitely a good thing, not just to other sufferers, but for the family and friends to keep updated on his progress.I saw Chris today, he looks great!, and the first thing I said to my husband when I got in the car was that looking at him, I could not believe how poorly he was this time last year. He looks brill!A blog may not be for everyone, but from a family point of view, when you see someone you love and care about going through Hodgkin's, you worry about saying the wrong thing, asking the wrong questions, but a blog like this, with Chris's honesty, the questions are answered, his feelings were explained.Being able to post on his blog, I didnt have to ask him questions, but I could make it known that I had read what he had posted and I was aware of his thoughts without him actually having to say a word to me. Good luck xxxRachael x
Rach - you made the hairs stand up on the back of my neck and I never thought I would have said that? I know the blog has been read by you frequently and your comments helped me during the dark days. Glad it helped a close family member as we all know these types of events can be awkward to discuss.

These comments make me feel proud of my blog, something I have really enjoyed doing. Please keep the comments coming as they help so many people understand life with cancer, not only the sufferers but also family and friends.

And for me, feel good in general, although the last few days have been tough with fatigue and a stomach problem. Back to the hospital 10th April. A year ago today I was recovering from my first Chemo, what a year!
Cheers and KYPU


Sunday, 3 February 2008

7000 hits....

I have just noticed that my blog has had over 7,ooo hits, I must be on about page 50 of a Google search!

I have just read that Wullie has closed his blog and can understand why. I closed mine in August thinking that I was over it but I soon realised that the emotional part of Hodgkins remmission is only just beginning. I think differently and I would like to share the ups and downs with any new sufferers so the odd update will continue, but only when there is something to say.

Last Monday was my offical 1 year since diagnosis and referal to Christies Hospital to the Oncologist. It was on my mind a lot this last week and I am very concious that I am not out of the woods yet but I am having a good go at staying on the parimiter for the next 18 months. Doing positive things really does help take your mind off the negatives but it is always there.

Skiing was fab, great snow, sunny weather, fab resort and top company - all the ingreadients for a memorable week. I missed Vicky and the kids more than ever but three nights is not along time.
Also great to see Steve in the play ground looking healthy again. Keep it going.

Nothing else of note to add so I will sign off for now and update when needed.

Cheers and KYPU


Wednesday, 16 January 2008

What a year

It was 1 year ago today that I went to see the doctor with a lump under my arm and you can read the rest by going to the beginning......

That was then and this is now!

By the way, a very happy but belated New Year to all. Hope 2008 brings great happiness to all.

Had my 3 monthly appointment last week, just bloods and a good fondle and nothing to be found. I don't even think that they are going to scan me in April as I don't have any side effects so Horrayyyy, a better start to the year. Thinking of two friends at this time as they are going through a very rough time currently with a similar illness. S - be strong, see you soon.

Even off skiing to France next week with 19 others from the rugby club - should be quiet and relaxing! I booked it during my treatment last summer and its always been a target - I will go skiing.

Everything else top dollar, Vicky is great, the kids have driven us crackers over Christmas but we had a good one. The new job is good and I am feeling much better, but still have my bad days. It will take time.

One last thing, I have signed up to run the Manchester 10K in May so there will be a link to a sponsorship site soon with all donations going to the Christies Hospital Lymphoma research fund. Appreciate any help you can give me.

That's about it, speak again when something else to say.

NB. Hope this blog can be a help to anyone who is new to Hodgkin's Lymphoma. If it is it would be great to hear from you so leave a response.

Cheers and KYPU