Sunday, 3 February 2008

7000 hits....

I have just noticed that my blog has had over 7,ooo hits, I must be on about page 50 of a Google search!

I have just read that Wullie has closed his blog and can understand why. I closed mine in August thinking that I was over it but I soon realised that the emotional part of Hodgkins remmission is only just beginning. I think differently and I would like to share the ups and downs with any new sufferers so the odd update will continue, but only when there is something to say.

Last Monday was my offical 1 year since diagnosis and referal to Christies Hospital to the Oncologist. It was on my mind a lot this last week and I am very concious that I am not out of the woods yet but I am having a good go at staying on the parimiter for the next 18 months. Doing positive things really does help take your mind off the negatives but it is always there.

Skiing was fab, great snow, sunny weather, fab resort and top company - all the ingreadients for a memorable week. I missed Vicky and the kids more than ever but three nights is not along time.
Also great to see Steve in the play ground looking healthy again. Keep it going.

Nothing else of note to add so I will sign off for now and update when needed.

Cheers and KYPU
